Oh, it's you. What's the matter, honey? Oh, you can't rest? Again? Well, yes, you can come into bed with Step-Mommy. Just remember to be quiet. Okay? We don't want to wake step-daddy. He's got to get his rest for work tomorrow. Shhh... Now just snuggle up and try to rest, okay? Now, what's the matter, honey? You usually fall resting so quickly when you're resting your sweet head on step-Mommy's boobies. Oh.... you have a stiffy? Shhh! Don't wake step-Daddy! Well, can't you rest without poking step-mommy in my thigh? Okay, okay. But we have to be quiet! I'll try to help you come... just make sure you come right into my hands, okay? We can't make a mess in bed with step-Daddy! I wouldn't be able to clean it up without waking him...
We Don't Want to Wake Step-Daddy
5 months ago